The Social Dinner social dinner will take place on thursday December 13th at 19:30, at the restaurant La Cantina Clandestina, located in the hearth of the medioeval vicoli, in the historical city center.
{mosmap width='700'|height='400'|lat='44.409358'|lon='8.934389'|zoom='18'|zoomType='Large'|zoomNew='0'|mapType='Mappa'|showMaptype='1'|overview='0'|text='Social Dinner '|lang=''}
Street address:
La Cantina Clandestina
Salita Pallavicini 25R
16155 - Genova
GPS coordinates:
- GD: 44.409358, 8.934389
- GMS: N 44° 24' 33.689'' E 8° 56' 3.8''
The social dinner will be free of charge for the workshop participants.
If you have any dietary restrictions, please contact the Organising Committee at: